Treasure Baskets
What is a treasure basket?
Treasure baskets are usually wicker baskets or baskets made of natural materials in which everyday objects such as a brush, metal spoon, cake plates, feathers, sponges, etc. are placed for babies to explore.
The idea of playing with everyday objects is not new, as a simple treasure basket gives babies the opportunity to explore, experiment and make choices at their own pace.
Some of the benefits of treasure baskets are:
- They stimulate creativity and imagination.
- They support gross and fine motor skills and brain development in infants and toddlers.
- They stimulate multiple senses and critical thinking.
- Promote early mathematical conceptual learning.
The treasure basket should be relatively shallow with a flat bottom, which should not be too light to prevent it from tipping over easily.
Fill the basket to the top with a range of everyday items and not a lot of plastic, considering most toys are made of plastic anyway.
The aim of collecting items in the basket is to fully engage babies with all five senses, touch, sight, sound, smell and taste.
You should regularly change the items in the treasure basket and introduce new ones. Babies gain a rich sensory experience through sucking, placing objects in their mouths and manipulating them. In this way they also learn about weight, size, shape, texture, sound and smell.
A baby’s concentration and focus in a treasure basket can sometimes take up to an hour! The contents of the basket stimulate a baby’s curiosity and allow them to discover objects through first-hand experiences.
The baby also enjoys independent decision making as he/she is involved in selecting objects. During treasure play, adults should be attentive and close to the baby, without necessarily interfering, except to ensure safety and maintain social contact with them.
Items in the treasure baskets should be washed or cleaned with a cloth after each use or be discarded / replaced.
We introduce treasure baskets at 6 months of age when babies can either work / explore them on their own or with the help of some back support.
You can either choose items with the same theme e.g. metal objects found in the kitchen or randomly mixed objects.
Below is a plethora of treasure baskets from The Laughing House nursery who has been developing fantastic ‘treasure baskets’ for many years!
Some more ideas are:
Basket with soft objects
Children can bend them, wrap them, try to tear them, throw them and explore them in different ways.
Basket of scented objects
Don’t forget this important sensation! You can put lemon, orange peels, cinnamon, etc.
Basket of heavy or light objects, fabric basket, bathroom basket, sound basket and many more.
Treasure baskets are also for older children over two and a half years old (may not have the form of a basket but an exploration corner). You can make a summer theme where you have flip flops, sunglasses, hats, mats, beach masks, beach buckets and talk about all these items and introduce new vocabulary as an inspiration example.
Happy exploring!
Vasiliki Antonetsi – Early Childhood Education Consultant